Wednesday, September 30, 2020

aulora pants

感謝來自台灣 Fang Ru Wu 的分享 😍😍😍


她爸爸身體已經歪斜10-20年了,她也大膽買了 #光電子褲子 給爸爸嘗試。
一開始穿,爸爸覺得身體發熱有點不舒服,不過女兒十分相信產品在幫爸爸做調理。當爸爸繼續穿之下,現在已經愛上光電子褲了 😍

👉晚上可以睡好了,不會因爲身體關節酸痛睡不好 😄


Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Collagen found abundantly as a protein component in our body that provides elasticity to connective tissue, such as cartilage, bones, tendons and ligaments apart from structural support to the skin.

However, the cartilage will wear off due to ageing and repeated movement or stagnant position which lead to joint inflammation.                                                           

Don't worry, collagen peptide may help to grow and repair cartilage tissue yet relieve joint pain.                                

Solve your problem with MAQNIFIQ now!


可是,软骨会因衰老、反复运动或停滞状态而磨损,导致关节发炎。 不用担心,胶原蛋白胜肽能助于修复软骨组织,令其增长,同时减轻关节疼痛。


#BEInternational #BElixzMaqnifiq

aulora pants

Why do you need to wear #Aulora kodenshi pants when exercising, weight lifting, cycling, yoga, zumba,dancing ,soccer, marathon, golf, hiking, badminton .....

#運動 穿效果 x 2
#健身 穿效果 x 2
#重訓 穿效果 x 2
#瑜珈 穿效果 x 2
#暖身 穿效果 x 2

為什麼 「運動 + Aulora pants with Kodenshi 」會有加倍的效果呢?

Kodenshi光電子®︎👖 會幫助:

#加速脂肪燃燒 燃燒多餘脂肪🔥
#促進血液循環 良好血液循環🔥
#把汗水分解蒸發 不會熱 🔥
#預防運動傷害 非常棒 🔥




Come! Check-It-Out!~👏👏


Why does " Sports + Aulora Pants " have a multiplier effects ?

Aulora Pants with Kodenshi®︎ will helps :

#accelerate fat burning 🔥
#promote good blood circulation 🔥
#decompose and evaporates sweats ,cool n comfy🔥
#prevent sport injuries 🔥

Let's exercise more easily, more comfortable, and double the results 😍

It's NOT a #sweatpants
It's NOT #hot, NOT #stinky


Monday, September 28, 2020

aulora pants

😱Amazing Aulora Pants testimonial from a thyroid cancer survivor, Tan Chen Chen.

Miracle result where Aulora Pants reduced radiation from her radioiodine treatment!☢️
Aulora pants also relieved her suffering from side effects of the treatment!

😱甲状腺癌症 病患亲自分享惊人的Aulora Pants见证

Aulora Pants 神奇地减少了化疗中的辐射☢️ 
Aulora Pants 也帮她减轻许多副作用的痛苦


aulora pants

谢谢伙伴的分享 ❤️

Ah Far 她有 #靜脉曲張 當她了解我們的 #AuloraPants 一個月改善了很多,#不再用熱水浸腳 也 #瘦下了。

現在已經一年了,你可以看到她的改變 #人美了 又 #瘦了。


aulora socks


#AuloraSocks 对于我们有什么好处?

① 促进血液的循环流动。







感谢分享Catherine Chia老公的见证分享😇

经过护理后。脸部出现严重 #敏感红肿问题。
那时我就建议他喝 #Shiruto & #Maqnifiq 来帮助消炎和 #改善敏感问题。

Catherine Chia's Witness Sharing 😇

Earlier.. I signed a laser package because of the problem of bumps on my face.
After the care.  The face appears severely #sensitive redness.  At that time I suggested that he drink #Shiruto&#Maqnifiq to help anti-inflammatory and #improve sensitive issues.  As a result, after 4 days in the morning and evening, each package has a big improvement in facial problems. Finally, you can see people beautifully.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

zencoso chewable tablets

Thanks Christine’s husband sharing👏👏
“Daddy, your jeans very loose already!" exclaimed my son as I asked him to take photo of me in my fat jeans, which he saw me wear for outings before June 2020.

"Time to go shopping!" I replied.

From 119.6kg in June 2020 to 102.3kg in September 2020. That's a total weight lost of 17.3 kg in four months, an avarage of losing 4.325 kg a month.

Besides the weight lost, blood pressure has also gone down from 160 in Oct 2019 to aveage 120+ and below on September 2020.

Also, stamina has improved and now can run 8km daily without much exhaustion.

Big thanks to my wife, Christine Chee, who introduced Zencoso Balls health supplement to me in August, the start of my weight loss. I never took health supplements to subsitute exercise. The *Zencoso Balls* health supplements, on the other hand, complemented the weight loss by increasing metabolism with each run.

#BEInternational #ILoveZencosoEnzyme

aulora pants

Very the GENG..UNEXPECTED result‼️‼️😱😱😱

Despite of busy works, he managed to lose 4kg in just 3 weeks!! He wears Aulora pants mostly at home & during sleep & sleep quality is improved.

He even mentioned going to toilet like 8-10 times when he started to wear in 1 hour😂😅 as it helps in water retention. 1 more thing is he had a long walk during shopping, didn’t feel the legs pain at all! He’s absolutely surprised & impressed! 🙏🏻

•slimmed down 4kg
•no more sleep deprivation 
•reduce water retention
•reduce leg pain/tiredness

Have you got your own?? Feel free to contact us😉
#BEgrateful #AuloraKodenshiPants #BEinternational


Thanks for sharing


Mike: 因为饮食不当,爱吃煎炸的东西, 加上少吃蔬菜水果类, 大概22 岁时的我就患上高血压。
高血压让我时不时会感到头痛, 颈椎紧绷的感觉, 还蛮难受的。

自从认识BEFILL这个产品,在深入了解产品的成份和研发这个产品的DR FERID MURAD的背景之后(1988年诺贝尔奖得主) ,我开始尝试这个产品。

17/9/2020 - 154/100 ----> 还没试BEFILL 的指数
19/9/2020 - 126/92 ----> 试了BEFILL 两天后的指数
23/9/2020 - 129/84
26/9/2020 - 126/79

短短的十天,我的血压竟然明显的降低了,真的很开心, 也改善了颈椎紧绷的问题,人也比较精神和没有那么容易累。


• 含有左旋精氨酸,打通血管,舒張血管,保持血管柔韌
• 紅番茄萃取物促进并维持健康的血流率, 調節血壓
• CoQ10 心臟燃料,增強心肌肉的燃動力
• 甜菜根與紅石榴, 強效抗氧化及抵抗自由基



aulora pants


我阿母,她穿了 #BE光電子纖維塑身褲
快一個月的時間,改善她的 #高低肩 #背的痠痛 #瘦小腹 ,我真的高興媽媽身體可以走向健康,現在的她沒有像以前常常說身體哪裡不舒服,要去給醫生看,我想這也是做兒女最喜悅的事,小時候他們養育我,長大我也能報答他們。


aulora pants

Thanks partner for sharing. 🙏😍

Ask about the high-tech Japanese pants + clothes that you are wearing? Did you wear them?
✨She wore flying high yoga

Is there any magical secret that they have sold a lot?
Let you enjoy a “slim” life without surgery
✨As long as you work hard, it will definitely improve your physical health
Bye bye
Varicose veins Bye bye
✨ headache, backache, buttocks, sore hands and feet, all bye bye
✨ Only health will be 😍

Very breathable 💯 Wear it ~ gain ~ we share 😊

✨ Aulora Pants + Aulora Basic Top ✨


Welcome inbox me for more info❤❤❤

Friday, September 25, 2020

aulora socks

📷Aulora Socks襪子📷
光電子所釋放出來的遠紅外線對我們的血液循環非常多好處,除了 #舒緩疼痛,#活血消腫,還具備……
📷 #促進足部血液循環 Increase Blood Circulation
📷 #減輕足部疲勞 Reduce foot tiredness
📷 #舒適高效透氣 Comfortable & Airy
📷 #對腳弓部分支撐設計 Support Foot Arch
📷 #消除水腫問題 Reduce Water Retention
📷 #獨特施壓點編制 Unique Stretching & tightening effect
歡迎隨時PM 📷 我

aulora pants




她穿了 #AuloraPants 11个月左右改善了腰酸背痛,#臀部小了8cm,#体重从78kg到目前69kg😱😱
她的 #子宫肌瘤 也从7-8cm缩小至3-4cm‼️



aulora pants

谢谢Lydia's 伙伴的分享❤️❤️
一件裤子改善了她的 #肥胖问题💯💯
一件裤子改善了她的 #高血压回到正常💯💯

以前从事服装业,当大女儿 Li Wen Chew和我说 #AuloraPants,我也只是带过,不相信一件褲子可以帮到我。
那时不懂发生什么事 #爆胖到80KG, #血压还高到190,医生很严肃和我老公说:要注意我,再严重下去会很大几率中风🤦‍♀️有时忘了吃血压药,肩膀就会紧,脸部还会抽筋。我几个孩子很紧张, 大女儿坚持叫我尝试AuloraPants
继续穿24小时,也不知不觉 #肩膀不紧绷也不抽筋,按摩钱都省了,查了血压,#才发现血压变回正常!孩子帮我对比照片,才发现自己在 #一个月的时间 瘦那么多!#体重变67KG!


aulora pants

Thanks for sharing😍

我是两个孩子的 #家庭主妇。

有时搭MRT都会被误以为怀孕,被让位子😅 让我觉得超尴尬的😂

2019年因为自己的不甘心,买了 #AuloraPants 来穿。(因为每个女人都爱美的,当然我也不例外!)
我 #坚持穿24小时 (除了洗澡)!

就这样的坚持,让我瘦下了 #6kg 😱 #腰围小了12cm 😱 #臀围小了7cm😱 #大腿也小了😱 (#没运动,#没节食)。
除此以外,还改善了我的 #麻痹 ,#水肿 和 #腰酸背痛问题。
网购的裤子都不能穿了(图2)! 太开心了!✌


感恩BE 带进那么好的产品,让我轻松瘦身!





"服用 #BEFIL 一个月后的 #血压 和 #血脂 报告(LIPID PROFILE) 对比太让人惊讶,虽然这是在我们的预测内但不得不赞叹它带来的效果!👍

#血脂 在6年前开始就属于 #不正常 / #不健康水准(TOTAL #CHOLESTEROL, #LDL, & #TAG 偏高;附上2013年至今的报告与对比,看图)。
#血压也偏高 。要他改变饮食习惯简直比登天还难,想说服他,每次他都回说:'让我死了算' 🤦🏻‍♀️

最近接触BEFIL ,看见很多人服用后的良好效果,决定试一试(也游说了他一段时间才愿意尝试),其实很容易只需要坚持每天服用BEFIL 。

服用BEFIL后,许先生多年不变的偏 #高血脂
竟然在 #30天 #一个月 内下降到正常、健康水准!拿报告时候被赞他的血脂美美的!而且血压也恢复正常(附图)!😱 😱😱

感恩 #BEInternational 带来了那么好的产品,让大家都受惠🥰❤️"

Thanks, BE IBO for this sharing.

"The comparison of blood pressure and blood lipid profile after taking #BEFIL one month is so surprising👍

His blood lipid had been abnormal / unhealthy since 6 years ago (TOTAL #CHOLESTEROL, #LDL, & #TAG was high; attached pictures are the reports and comparisons from 2013 to the present).
Blood pressure was also high. It was hard for him to change his eating habits 🤦🏻‍♀️

Recently I came into contact with BEFIL and saw the good results of many people after taking it, so I decided to give it a try (I also persuaded him for a while before he was willing to try).

After taking BEFIL, Mr. Xu's high blood pressure for many years fell to a normal and healthy level in 30 days! Beautiful #bloodlipid when he took the report! And #bloodpressure has returned to normal (with photos)! 😱 😱😱

Thank you #BEInternational for bringing such a good product to everyone ❤️"

#BEFIL #360HeartHealthFormula
#FeridMurad #NitricOxide
#改善心腦血管疾病 #Cardiovascular
#打通血管 #BloodVessels
#HighBloodPressure #高血压 #Hypertension
#HighCholesterol #Triglycerides
#importedfromUSA #BEinternational


aulora pants

TQ Michael for sharing🙏❤️

Wake up this morning saw this posting by my mum for the very 1st time by herself 😄😄😄 (with the help of the maid)

She is so proud of her aulorapants and basic top ❤️
Thanks BE INTERNATIONAL for such wonderful products


aulora pants

#Maria_Cordero, MH (肥媽瑪俐亞; Fat Mama Maria) is a singer, actress, TV Host and DJ from Macau. She also has her own cooking show, Maria's Kitchen (肥媽私房菜) on Cable TV. Her fans nicknamed her "Fat Mama" (肥媽; Fei4 Maa1).
Lai Lai Lai,  who still haven't buy,  pm😇

Thursday, September 24, 2020

aulora pants


Aulora Socks testimonial👏👏👏

我第一眼见到许妈妈的时候 我很心疼
#她一直喊痛痛痛 我还是坚持帮她穿上
她跟我说#没有力走路很痛 #需要拿四脚拐杖
#站起来都很辛苦 更别说走路

#消水肿了 #也不痛了 😱😱😱


Aulora Pants


我又来分享Aulora pants 的见证哦🤩
这是我下线妈妈穿了Aulora pants的见证😍

这位朋友是在7月中通过面书向我了解了Aulora socks的功用,聊起时我才知道他妈妈患有骨刺的问题,腰部不能直,由于安娣也有年龄了,医生也不建议动手术,我就建议他让妈妈试穿aulora pants,问题会慢慢改善的,他了解了产品的好就买了Aulora pants 和Aulora socks给妈妈试,我告诉安娣以她的情况最好是每天穿24个小时,安娣也很配合每天都穿上20个小时以上,晚上再配上Aulora socks,就这样一个月后安娣的手能举高高了,再这之前是不能举高的,八月中又试了Aulora basic top,到了九月中,可以很明显看到安娣的腰部直了很多😍


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

aulora pants

Malaysia's Wushu Hero - Loh Jack Chang also love Aulora Pants. He is
🏆2015 World Wushu Champion
🏆5 times World Taiji Champion
🏆4 times Gold Medalist in SEA Games

With Aulora Pants, you can have better performance when play #Wushu. It can reduce #muscles tiredness and give you fast recovery.

Jack and his student both love Aulora Pants.

2015年世界武術冠軍 Jack Chang 也选择Aulora Pants。

练 #武术 时,每天坚持穿Aulora Pants 可以 #减轻肌肉酸痛 和 #恢复!然后就可以再练多一点武术了。

Jack 的学生,Kerk Qing 也选择Aulora Pants。


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

aulora pants


透过物理治疗及二十四小时穿着 #AuloraKodenshiSeries 的她已经开始会动,会坐,会记得名字甚至还有气魄骂人😁



aulora pants

❤️Thanks for sharing Rozza❤️

Why I ❤️ #AuloraPants so much ?? Here is my own testimony after wearing #AuloraPants with #Kodenshi.

Sebelum pakai #AuloraPants, saya selalu menghadapi masalah sakit pinggang yang sangat serius. Urat bahagian pinggang selalu tertarik disebabkan berat badan yang serius. Kaki betis pun selalu cramp sakit kalau lama berdiri atau berjalan. Selepas memakai #AuloraPants , #AuloraBoxer lebih kurang sebulan, telah banyak membantu saya dari segi kesihatan terutamanya masalah sakit pinggang yang saya hadapi bertahun-tahun.

✅ Berat Badan Turun
✅ Size Turun
✅ Sakit Belakang Berkurang
✅ Period Sakit Berkurang
✅ Sakit kaki / kejang tiada lagi..

Terima kasih #BEINTERNATIONAL !!
Kesihatan diri perlu diutamakan.
Jom BerAulora!❤️❤️❤️


Nak info lanjut boleh PM saya. 😊

#AuloraPants #Kodenshi

aulora pants

🤞 -- 感恩伙伴的分享❤

前阵子有位朋友介绍Aulora Pants给我,我不相信。。
后来我家人又在讲我才相信。。心想应该不会那么神奇吧?我就拍照试试,终于看这Aulora Pants裤子的效果。。好开心!!

Tks for sharing 👇👇

Aulora pants can help scoliosis!! Seeing is believing 😱


beyang Caffe

🎉🎉Great news! BE International proudly presents the brand new 𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑬𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐄 (𝐍𝐨 𝐒...