Monday, November 30, 2020


谢谢Ng Ai Ling 顧客的分享❤️


她是一位多年患有 #甲状腺疾病的患者(大颈疱)虽然寻求过醫生治疗,醫生建議服藥控制,

在一次的因緣當下,她看到我在FB分享有關大頸疱的見證,所以pm了我。經過我詳細的說明有关Shiruto 的資訊后她選擇給自己機會來尝試Shiruto.在此也謝謝她對我的信任。😁開心!

服用Shiruto 前
- 甲狀腺腫大
- 晚上呼吸不顺畅影響睡眠

服用Shiruto 后的見效:早晚各一包
- 甲狀腺腫大明显的改善,变小了。
- 呼吸順暢幫助好眠
- 精神良好
- 臉色好看




Sunday, November 29, 2020



Eric 患了 #鼻咽癌第4期,进行了 #38次放疗 和 #7次的化疗。化疗后Eric患有 #周身疼痛和非常虚弱,也
#难以进食。他的 #脖子烧得很厉害。这与医生预期的一样,需要3个星期才能恢复。但在吃了 #Shiruto 后,烧伤很快地竟然在短短的5天就干了!Eric和他的姐姐非常惊讶这个产品的神奇功效,连医生都说这是一个奇迹🙏🏻

现在Eric仍然在使用Shiruto品来增强他在日常生活中的 #免疫能力。对于那些有同样需要化疗/放疗的 #癌症患者,Eric强烈推荐Shiruto,因为它确实有帮助!

#AuloraSocks 则对腿很有帮助,所以穿上Aulora Socks 一个星期后,Eric的 #腿不再麻痹了。另一方面,#AuloraPants帮助他 #解决睡眠上的问题 和 #不会头晕了。


aulora pants

感谢 Melinda Chong 的分享

期初还以为只是一条 #瘦身裤, 穿着穿着...
的确在3个星期就从 SIZE M ➡️ S 😱
#打止痛 #针灸,因为止痛药都止不了!



穿了3个星期aulora pants, 她首先是
- 瘦了,从 size M- size S. (天天穿,穿24小时)

- 经痛也没有了!
- 经期准时报道
- 脚没有酸了, 虽然有时候晚上没穿 也不会酸!

谢谢 aulora pants 帮了我这位好朋友!

Aulora Pants 必定能改善你的问题!
Size 有买对吗?


Thanks to Melinda Chong for sharing!

At the beginning, I thought it was just a pair of #slimming pants, wearing it for 3 weeks and managed to change from SIZE M-> S size.

Also unexpectedly, #menstrual #pain is gone!
Previously, the menstrual was not on time, I also went to the clinic for painful acupuncture every time, because the #painkillers could not stop the cramps!

I also need to do regular acupunctures to regulate menstrual and sore feet every month. I have tried stopping acupuncture and the cramps will return.

Doctor said that she needs to soak her feet every night but it's tiring to do it. Sometimes she has to wake up in the middle of the night to soak her feet.

After wearing aulora pants for 3 weeks, she managed to slim down, from size M to size S. (wear every day, 24 hours)

then.  .  .  .
✅ Menstrual pain is gone!
✅ Period comes on time
✅ My feet are not sore although sometimes I don’t wear them at night!

What a great testimony!
Thank you aulora pants for helping me!
I also hope to help more and more people improve their health!

Aulora Pants will definitely improve your problem!


Saturday, November 28, 2020

aulora pants

Good morning to all the gentlemen.
Do you dress in Fashion and Wellness?

What kind of style that you are looking for?
1.      Workout
2.      Leisure
3.      Smart
Whatever it is, achieve it with AULORA SET with Kodenshi®!


1. 运动
2. 休闲
3. 有形
无论是什么风格,AULORA SET with Kodenshi®都能帮到您!

#BEInternational #AuloraPants #AuloraSet #Kodenshi #fashion

aulora pants




直到顾客看到身边的朋友在分享Aulora Socks🧦 ,
可以直接起来 ,



Friday, November 27, 2020




17/4/2020 發現自己的面部突然 “嘴歪眼斜不能閉合、口角喝水漏水,難進食也沒胃口,同時伴有手抖的症狀”,媽咪也嚇壞了十分緊張。


18/4/2020 開始吃Befil,當晚弟弟就能安穩的入睡,第二天有胃口能夠進食,之前嘴嚼辛苦的情況改善了。

24/4/2020 (吃了一個星期的Befil) 面癱問題得到改善。 (現在也還在繼續服用Befil)

弟弟的感受 : 整個人也比之前精神,睡得安穩,有胃口進食,手抖也沒了。他感到很開心。謝謝BE 公司的產品Befil幫助了我弟弟。非常感恩。

** 機體免疫力下降是造成周圍性面癱的主要原因,受涼、風寒是其主要誘因。如年老體弱、疲勞過度的中青年、抵抗力差的兒童都是此病的主要侵襲對象。


Thursday, November 26, 2020

aulora series



Say bye to BIG BELLY! Not a healthy shape 😖
AULORA PANTS & AULORA BASIC TOP can help to reduce visceral fat! 😍

大肚腩啤酒肚 是因為內臟脂肪 !

#AULORAPANTS & #AULORABASICTOP 光電子會幫助燃燒脂肪,幫助消除大肚腩哦! 😎

#AuloraPants #AuloraBasicTop #AuloraBoxers

BE product

Thank you partner for sharing these useful info 😍😍😍

So much goodness in our #BELIX natural-ingredients supplements! Happy to share more!
A BELIX A Day, Keep the Doctor Away!

* Help stabilises blood pressure
* Help strengthen heart
* Help reduce risk of stroke and heart attack

🛡 Shiruto
* Help sinus, hairloss and thyroid problems
* Increases recovery rate
* Improve immunity system
* Reduces gastric issues
* Reduces risk of infections
* Help repair cells
* Reduces allergies
* Improve skin conditions

🐟 Maqnifiq
* Improve skin health
* Reduces pigmentations
* Reduces wrinkles and stretch marks
* Radiates youthful glow

🥗 Zencoso
* Aids weight shedding
* Improve metabolism
* Recommended for pregnant/breastfeeding mothers
* Recommended for picky eating children
* Improve bowel movements
* Normalizes blood glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure

🌾 Slendezmeal
* Simple and healthy balanced nutritious meal replacement
* Reduces fat accumulation in the body
* Help maintain healthy body weight
* Reduces the risks of chronic diseases
* Suitable on-the-go food for the busiest

PM me now! 😘

This post is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases.  It is intended to be provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes only.  Please consult with your doctor or wellness team if you have any questions regarding the information on this post, and then make your own well-informed decisions based upon what is best for your unique genetics, culture, conditions, and stage of life.

#shiruto #beinternational #eczemahealing #eczema #aulorapantswithkodenshi #slendezmeal #diet #nutritiousdiet #BEFIL #maqnifiq #radiance #beauty #aulorasocks #auloraseries

#befil保护心脑血管 #Shiruto免疫系统的圣品 #zencosoball不可缺少8年发酵的酵素 #SlendezMeal营养代餐 #Maqnifiq去痘痘印




Start your day well with low glycemic index fuel through plant-based protein from various wholegrain to provide you with a balanced and nutritious diet, in addition to provide a sustainable source of energy to help you complete your daily tasks without any hesitations.🔋💪🏻

#BELIXZ #SLENDEZMEAL #Wholegrains #Balancediet #LowGI

aulora pants

她在14岁的时候医生说她是因为后天性的原因导致她脊椎骨弯曲,她痛苦了两年多穿着一件又硬又辛苦的 Plastic Base来support后面的脊柱骨。


就在2019年7月幸好遇见了Aulora Pants让她在短短1个月时间改善了。在最近的4月2020年她得到更加明显的改善。

拥有这件Aulora Pants 会值得吗?

When she was 14 years old, the doctor said that her spine was bent because of a congenital defect. She had been in pain for more than 2 years and wore the hard plastic base to support her back spine.

Because of her body height increasing year by year, the doctor advised her to replace a new plastic base. After she put on the second one plastic base, she did not get better but increased the bending index.

Fortunately, she met Aulora Pants in July 2019, which made her straighten her spine & body in just 1 month! In April 2020, she has improved significantly.

Will it be worth to own this Aulora Pants? What do you say?


aulora socks


【 失眠?睡前穿双袜子 】



《生理人类学期刊(Journal of Physiological Anthropology)》的研究指出,入睡的速度与身体核心温度降低的快慢有关。当人们穿上袜子变得暖和,大脑会察觉身体平均温度升高,于是将血液从身体核心导到末梢如脚底,以平衡体内温度。一旦身体核心开始降温,人会随之昏昏欲睡。因此,想睡得跟冬眠的动物一样熟,就先穿上袜子吧!

Aulora Socks with Kodenshi 袜子
🌟 促进足部血液循环
🌟 释放远红处线
🌟 给予脚部适当的压力
🌟 非常舒适,适合全天穿着
🌟 对脚弓部位进行支撑的设计,有效减轻脚步疲劳


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

aulora pants

感谢 Ho Wei Ling 的分享❤️


感到非常感谢🙏 因为穿了Aulora Series的产品让我们增强血液循环 改善身体的健康。
不必吃药💊 有了健康就可以做很多的事啦☺️!

非常高兴😊看见你的脚🦶一天一天的的进步 希望能把你变回以前的你😝💪🏻!


aulora pants

Thank you for this great sharing dr. Wan Rafidah Wan Ali! 😍

Mungkin ramai yg biasa dengar Scoliosis dan jarang2 dengar Kyphosis. Tapi bila digabungkan masalah kedua2nya, medical term adalah KYPHOSCOLIOSIS.

SCOLIOSIS = Abnormal curve of spine from side to side ( spt berbentuk huruf ‘S’)
KYPHOSIS = Abnormal curve of spine from back to front (bongkok)
So gabungan kedua2nya akan sebabkan ketidaknormalan spinal curve dalam 2 planes.


1. Chest wall deformities - sebabkan ruang bagi pernafasan terhad dan ini akan menyebabkan hypoventilation (pesakit tak dpt nak bernafas dgn betul dan sempurna). Just imagine, oksigen intake pun akan kurang, dan akan sebabkan keletihan atau cepat penat due to lack of oxygen supply especially to our brain.
2. Sciatica - leg pain causing by cord compression (saraf terhimpit) especially for Thoracic Kyphosis. Selalunya rasa sakit mcm shooting pain
3. Back pain due to Abnormal curve of spine for longer period

So... Mana yg lebih teruk?? Scoliosis or Kyphosis??

Actually Kyphosis is worsen than Scoliosis. Cause more harmful to patient. If combination of both... of course more severe!. Dan symptoms akan lebih teruk bila usia patient bertambah.

Is this treatable ??
Yes .. Tapi hanya melalui surgical intervention (pembedahan)  Actually it is really major operation.

Terima kasih atas perkongsian Ambassador Rahmaton Hidayah Hashim berkaitan ayah beliau yg telah mengalami Kyphoscoliosis (Idiopathic Kyposcoliosis)

Pakcik Hashim, 72 telah mengalami masalah tulang belakang ini sejak 3 tahun yg lalu.

- Beliau sering mengalami masalah sakit pinggang , sakit kaki dan juga kebas di bahagian kaki.
- Sentiasa mengharapkan bantuan anak untuk balik kampung mengurut beliau.
- Rasa cepat penat dan letih terutama berjalan walaupun utk jarak yang singkat.
- beliau juga sering jatuh kesebelah sisi badan tanpa kawalan terutama dalam keadaan duduk semasa solat kerana disebabkan oleh ketidaknormalan posisi tulang belakang.

Pakcik Hashim telah mula menggunakan Aulora Socks pada awal Julai 2020. Dan telah mula menggunakan Aulora Pants dan Aulora Basic Top setelah 2 minggu pemakaian Socks kerana merasakan keajaiban atas masalah kesihatan beliau!

Amazing and surprisingly..😍
- mampu memanjat tangga utk naik ke kawasan tinjauan di puncak peranginan hanya setelah 3 hari memakai socks (refer gambar)
- sudah tak rasa penat atau letih bila berjalan
- tiada lagi masalah sakit belakang ( berkurangan lps 2 minggu pakai pants dan Basic Top )
- tak rasa lagi kebas kaki
- raut wajah nampak lebih ceria dan merah 😍

Walaupun belum nampak perubahan yg sangat  ketara pada spinal curvature, Tapi kesan positif yg diperolehi sepanjang pemakaian 3 product Aulora iaitu #AuloraPantswithKodenshi, #AuloraSocksWithKodenshi dan #AuloraBasicTop secara istiqamah selama 4 bulan sudah cukup membuatkan Pakcik Hashim gembira dan mencapai kualiti kehidupan yang lebih sempurna 😍

Doakan Pakcik Hashim beroleh kesihatan yg berpanjangan kerana beliau sangat berhajat untuk mampu menunaikan umrah pada tahun akan datang tanpa bantuan .
Aamin Ya Allah ...

If you’re interested to know more about #AuloraSeriesWithKodenshi .. please pm me for details 😍
WhatsApp Bobo 94574732

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


不要怀疑!真的有很多人因 #Shiruto 改善了健康问题!
如果你还不认识 #Shiruto 就耐心往下看 👇🏻👇🏻

Shiruto Shiruto Shiruto




😃:Shiruto的独特成分 IP-PA1是免疫细胞不可或缺的维生素。IP-PA1与巨噬细胞表面受体(TLR4)结合,能够激活巨噬细胞。



🤔: 激活了自体免疫力,对我们的身体可以带来什么改变呢?

😃:有。临床验证IP-PA1的激活巨噬细胞的活性是B 葡聚糖和乳酸菌的1000倍。它还能:
     👉🏼- 减少因寄生虫感染的死亡率
     👉🏼- 减缓皮肤炎的问题高达71%
     👉🏼- 减少过敏反应
     👉🏼- 有效减少高胆固醇
     👉🏼- 减少胃溃疡
     👉🏼- 修复胰岛素细胞并且维持胰岛素的生产以延缓发病率





Monday, November 23, 2020

aulora pants



穿了 #AuloraPants 不到3个月~ 31/7到10/10瘦了6kg以上😱😱

她很开心的说:“我终于有屁股了!”😍 , 非常替她开心❤️

除了瘦身外 ~ 也改善了他的 #水肿问题  #脚痛问题  #月经疼痛问题  #月经正常没有血块了
Aulora Pants是她的 #运动良伴 让她运动起来更轻松🥰


zencoso ball


Zencoso ball植物酵素

19/5/2020(星期二)Klinik Kesihatan (KK)的护士安排我在这天喝糖水检查血糖测试。空腹的时候,是4.1属于正常范围。喝了糖水之后就10.6属于高风险范围。KK护士就告诉我目前我属于是妊辰糖尿了,需要做bsp所以就安排我28/5/2020(星期四)做第一次的bsp。那一次的bsp是要抽血先和刺手指量血糖4次一天。

我马上在妈妈群组询问其他妈妈们的经验和分享。有几位妈妈推荐我吃Zencoso ball所以我就直接去找我的上线询问有关详情。我的上线和上上线Ho Ning Hong Fion Tan在23/5/2020(星期六)直接拿了一罐Zencoso ball给我。我是24/5/2020(星期日)就开始每天8粒。直到28/5/2020(星期四)吃了已经有4天,然后做第一次bsp的时候有1次不过关。所以护士要求做第二次bsp,就在4/6/2020(星期四)。

2/6 & 3/6的时候一天去见营养师,另外一天去见妇产专科医生。他们都告诉我如果第2次bsp是不过关的话就会直接安排我进医院听如何在家自己打胰岛素的讲座和打胰岛素😭。那时候我就坚持饮食控制和吃Zencoso ball每天8粒,2次早和晚。

当天我吃Zencoso ball已经有11天了。
在4/6/2020(星期四)做第二次bsp的时候,我顺利过关了😬👍🏻。所以只需要每一个月做bsp来测量血糖就可以了。只需要做diet control。感谢Zencoso ball面市得合适机,让我不需要自己在家打胰岛素。



Thanks for sharing from pregnant mom🙏

Zencoso ball (natural fermented plant -enzyme )

19/5/2020 (Tuesday) The nurse at Klinik Kesihatan (KK) arranged for me to drink syrupy(glucose solution) to check my blood sugar test on this day. When fasting, 4.1 belongs to the normal range. After drinking syrupy, 10.6 belongs to the high-risk range. The KK nurse told me that I was suffering from pregnancy diabetes and needed a BSP, so I arranged for the first BSP on 28/5/2020 (Thursday). At that time, the BSP was to draw blood and prick the finger to measure blood sugar 4 times a day.

I immediately asked other mothers about their experiences and sharing in the mother group. Several mothers recommended me to eat Zencoso ball, so I went directly to my upline to ask for more details. My upline and upline Ho Ning Hong Fion Tan directly gave me a bottle of Zencoso ball on 23/5/2020 (Saturday). I started 8 balls a day on 24/5/2020 (Sunday). Until 28/5/2020 (Thursday), I have eaten it for 4 days.As I failed once when I made the first bsp,so the nurse asked to do the second bsp on 4/6/2020 (Thursday).

On 2/6 & 3/6, I went to see a nutritionist one day, and the other day I went to see a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. They all told me that if the second bsp was not passed, they would directly arrange me to go to the hospital to listen to a lecture on how to take insulin at home and take insulin 😭. At that time, I insisted on diet control and took 8 Zencoso ball every day, twice : morning and evening.

It has been 11 days since I ate Zencoso ball that day. When I did the second bsp on 4/6/2020 (Thursday), I passed the test smoothly 😬👍🏻. So only need to do bsp every month to measure blood sugar. Just do diet control. Thanks to Zencoso ball for the right time , so I don't need to take insulin at home.

The next bsp blood glucose test passed smoothly, and there was no problem of constipation during the whole pregnancy😊

#Zencosoball  King of Enzymes

Sunday, November 22, 2020



这一次只吃 #Shiruto 不靠任何药物,
只用了六个月时间就让14年的 #湿疹 明显改善了,甚至都已经失去信心的儿子开始相信了💪✌️

谢谢 #BEInternational 这么棒的产品让我孩子这么多年的皮肤问题完全改善❤️

WhatsApp Bobo at 94574732

beyang Caffe

🎉🎉Great news! BE International proudly presents the brand new 𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑬𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐄 (𝐍𝐨 𝐒...