Showing posts with label aulora. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aulora. Show all posts

Saturday, August 15, 2020

How to wash Aulora Kondenshi

How To Wash Kodenshi Pants The Right Way?

The pants is made mainly using Kodenshi fiber, proper care should be given when washing.

Warning! Do not ever wash the Kodenshi pants with a washing machine.

The spin dry feature of a washing machine will definitely rip or tear the pants.

The following are 4 things you have to remember when cleaning the pant:

1) Hand wash the pant with water or gentle laundry

2) Use light detergent or baby shower foam

3) Hand squeeze excess water from the pant

4) Drip dry the pants at a cool place away from direct sun light.

To protect the pants, remember:

Avoid tumble dry and direct sunlight
Do not use a brush to clean it
Do not use bleach
Do not iron the pant
What happens if you were to accidentally dry the pants under the hot sun?

Nothing will happen but don’t do it too often or the pant may loose its elasticity and becomes rough.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

aulora soap

AULORA Shea Butter & Milk Nourishing Handcrafted Soap was crafted to cater everyone from all walks of life, with basic ingredients that not only soothe the skin but hydrate it with nutrients from milk and shea butter.

AULORA Shea Butter & Milk Nourishing Handcrafted Soap旨在满足各行各业的人们,它的基本成分不仅可以舒缓皮肤,还可以利用牛奶和乳木果油中的营养成分为其补充水分。

#BEInternational #Aulora #Sheabutter #healthyskin #craftedsoap #smoothskin #silkyskin

Friday, July 24, 2020

aulora Pants

Thanks for sharing

坚持2个多月全天侯穿着Aulora Series
居住在新加坡的Melinda Chew 就是个很好的例子! 💕💕💕

曾经一度胖到86Kg 的她, 瘦身一直是她的挑战!常年也因为脚抽筋的问题而困扰。

因为好友Sally Tan 的介绍BE 公司的Aulora 系列。她尝试AulorakodenshiSocks ,几天后。他发现平时的扰人的脚抽筋消失了!🤩🤩🤩

她开始跃跃欲试BE 的其他产品, Aulora Basic Top 让她全身大量排汗, 穿了两个星期后,虽然体重没大变化,但身型明显瘦下来!足足小了几个尺码!🥳🥳🥳

穿了Aulora Boxer 感觉排便更加顺畅,肚腩也变小了。平时走路上班会腰痛的她,赫然发现腰痛没在犯了! 👍👍👍

现在的Melinda 坚持每天穿着AuloraSeries  变得更漂亮苗条健康,朋友都差点认不出她!🥳🥳🥳


Thursday, July 23, 2020

aulora Pants

Thank you for sharing 

She is a food stall owner selling noodles in Bentong. She has varicose veins due to long hour of standing. 4 months wearing Aulora Pant 👇🏻

PM me for more information 

Aulora Pants


真人真事, 产品会说话😱

被水肿问题困扰多年的外甥女,在我分享 #Aulora 给她后
⬇️        ⬇️        ⬇️         ⬇️

#24小时, Aulora socks 改善了 Karen 的 #水肿问题,#也改善了妈妈脚跟疼痛问题.

接触  Aulora pants 少过 24小时, 改善了她的
#麻痹问题,#刺痛问题, 还有长年跟着她的严重 #水肿问题 😎😱

最不可思议的是,因为曾经跌倒导致骨盆移位问题也在 #一个星期 改善了😱😱

24 小時 愛上 Aulora pants + socks
#瘦身只是 BONUS

#感恩Aulora #感恩BE
#AuloraPants #AuloraSocks #AuloraSeries #Kodenshi #调整骨盆

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Aulora Kondenshi


所有生物,都需要陽光才能生存, 原因有兩個 - "遠紅外線" 和"維生素D" 。

遠紅外線光波,由不可見的輻射、能組成從內到外,輕輕地溫暖你的身體,深入細胞水平。遠紅外線最好的事情是, 你可以接觸到,遠紅外線熱量幾個小時, 而你的身體和皮膚根本不會受到傷害。


在過去的25年中,在全球範圍內開展了廣泛的研究, 涉及紅外熱療的,眾多醫療和健康益處。

遠紅外線熱能,是清除身體無數毒素,最有效及最安全的方法之一。遠紅外線的微浪,在各種疾病中,有效去除毒素的能力, 而身體的毒素是許多健康問題的成因。

暖化肌肉, 關節組織和器官, 激活細胞,促進新陳代謝。


許多研究表明, 遠紅外線療法,
~ 血壓和血糖




我們的AULORA pants, with KODENSHI 遠紅外線,深入皮膚組織底層。



aulora Series


我的孙女10号出生,12号医生验到 #宝宝黄疸指数高,记得之前在fb有伙伴分享把裤子套在宝宝身上能降低宝宝黄疸指数,于是当天晚上我把 #auloratop 给她套上试试。 宝宝 #完全在没有照灯,只是套上aulora top。

指数五天后 #下降直155,只是短短五天时间指数能下得这么快,终于放下我的心中大石。

之前我的大孙子也就是宝宝的哥哥刚刚出生的时候也是 #黄疸指数高哒270,那个时候试过很多偏方指数也是没有下,两个星期后指数才慢慢下,每天需要去医院验血看到都心疼,谢谢BE 公司那么棒的产品让我一家人都受惠了


aulora boxes testimonial

什么? Aulora Boxer 搞到安迪脊椎骨更痛?! 

来自四弯岛的可爱安迪, 半年前发生意外,骑Motor 跌倒。 伤及腰椎和脊椎骨,尤其是腰椎被疼痛折磨了半年多。😨😨😨

刚开始穿不久, 觉得脊椎骨特别疼痛, 她差点想放弃。 但是,经过媳妇Bobo Lai的解释与劝告, 她决定坚持下去, 经过一个月的努力, 💪💪💪终于捱过过渡期。 脊椎不再疼痛, 腰椎也不知觉好了,脚也比较有力了👍👍👍👏👏👍

在这期间, 安迪也每天早上喝一包Befil 。发现身体体能变得很好, 搬重物也不容易气喘。🥳🥳🥳



Befil, aulora testimonial

Thank you BEians & Alex Sia for sharing 💕


My weight has increased tremendously in the past 20 years, up to max 107kg! If I had not done anything about it, the number could be ever increasing!

Eating nice food is one of my way of releasing stress, so when come to food, I’m willing to spend without second thought. I also a meat lover, and can eat any foods, and STOP eating is not in my dictionary before this.

Three months ago, I decided to give myself another chance to seriously lose weight, before 40 years old. My key drive is to find back my long lost healthy body like when I was 20 years ago. So, I determined I want to be 20 years younger by losing 20kg!!!

I had used BEFIL and it successfully helped me reduced my blood pressure back to normal, so I already have confidence with BE product.

With no hesitance, I wear Aulora Pants👖 everyday and night in my weight lose process, as Aulora Pants👖 helped improve my blood circulation and increase my body metabolism, burning more calories even when im sleeping or sitting whole day working in office. 

Of course, I also had strict diet, and also consistently exercise, such as swimming, jogging, squash and jungle trekking.

I am very glad and thanks God for able to gain back my health.

Thanks also to BE founders for bringing in these excellent products into the market to help more people get back their health.

I encourage those who have same overweight problem like me to start making changes today, and gain back your health!! For  yourself, your family and loved ones."

PM or Whatsapp me🙋‍♀️


beyang Caffe

🎉🎉Great news! BE International proudly presents the brand new 𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑬𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐄 (𝐍𝐨 𝐒...