Wednesday, August 11, 2021


🤔: 激活了自体免疫力,对我们的身体可以带来什么改变呢?
😃:有。临床验证𝗜𝗣-𝗣𝗔𝟭的激活巨噬细胞的活性是B 葡聚糖和乳酸菌的1000倍。它还能: 
👉🏼- 减少因寄生虫感染的死亡率 
👉🏼- 减缓皮肤炎的问题高达71% 
👉🏼- 减少过敏反应 
👉🏼- 有效减少高胆固醇 
👉🏼- 减少胃溃疡 
👉🏼- 修复胰岛素细胞并且维持胰岛素的生产以延缓发病率 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Aulora Pants

Terima kasih Dr Azurah ASamah perkongsian testimoni💥


Masa en suami saya mula2 di diagnosis sakit buah pinggang dan perlukan rawatan haemodialysis.... pelbagai reaksi saya terima dr rakan sekeliling...saudara mara...dan pelajar kami. Ramai yg memberi kata semangat.. tidak kurang juga yg mengeluarkan kata2 yg "demotivate" kami. Ada sorang hamba Allah tu... terpacul kata2 berikut di mulutnya... "Din..kau dah sakit buah pinggang ni...maknanya life-span ko pendek lahhh yaaa". Saya x nak ulaslah kata2 tersebut. Sebagai pesakit buah pinggang...memang normal lah bila suami x fit mcm org yg sihat.

Kebiasaannya lepas 4 jam rawatan dialysis... Memang en suami akan lepak sangat2... Tekanan darah akan menjunam turun sehingga dia rasa "gelap mata". Dan beliau akan terbaring di katil..sekurang2 nya 3 - 4 jam. Kulitnya kerap gatal2 dan slalu kena infection akibat gabungan penyakit buah pinggang dan diabetes yg dihadapinya. Pernah suatu ketika... kedua2 kakinya kehitaman seakan gangren sampaikan ada seorg saudara terdekat...mencebik muka...geli tengok keadaan kaki suami saya. Krim pelembap...ubat antibiotik mmg x lekang dr suami saya selain dr ubatan hospital yg terpaksa ditelannya..dekat 20 bijik jugak setiap hari.

Sejak dia dialisis...lebih kurang 3 tahun lalu...memang dia x pernah ambik sebarang supplement dan hanya ambil ubat doktor. Kenapa? Krn kami sangat skeptikal dgn supplement sedia ada. Antara punca kenapa en suami kena sakit buah pinggang adalah kerana pengambilan teh herba yg telah meningkatkan secara drastik paras creatinine dlm darahnya. Teh herba Triple T yg sangat popular tu. Mmg menurunkan paras glukos tp pd masa yg sama menyebabkan paras creatinine naik secara drastik !!!! 

Rawatan dialisis 3 kali seminggu...membantu cuci dan buang toksik dlm darah en suami saya. Tapi fungsinya memang tidak 100% sempurna seperti buah pinggang/ginjal kita. Bila mesin dialysis tersebut cuci darah en suami...bukan toksik jer yg ditapis dan dibuang keluar ....segala zat2 dlm darah pun...ditapis keluar. Akibatnya....bila setiap kali zat2 badan disedut keluar bersama2 toksik, sewaktu rawatan dialysis maka kesihatan en suami saya semakin menurun..... dan menurun....

Utk membantu badannya memperoleh kembali zat yg diperlukan..saya sediakan pelbagai menu makanan. Namun ...berapa banyak lah makanan yg boleh dimakan dan boleh diproses  oleh badan suami saya utk hasilkan zat yg diperlukan? Tambah pulak...dia ada kencing manis..dan darah tinggi.. kena kawal pengambilan makanan tertentu.

"Setiap penyakit ada penawarnya melainkan mati....". Benar sekali ungkapan itu. Dengan izin Allah dan barokah pada bulan Ramadhan lepas... kami ditemukan dgn Shiruto Immunity vitamin oleh seorang sahabat. Setelah kami baca mengenai produk ini........Allah bukakan hati kami utk cuba produk Shiruto ini. Asalnya kami consume Shiruto satu family utk tingkatkan sistem imuniti badan krn berjaga2 dgn covid19. Suami saya kan ada diabetes...darah tinggi...sakit buah pinggang maka dia kategori berisiko tinggi. Setelah consume produk selama 2 minggu .. en suami saya merasakan perubahan ketara pd diri dia. Luka2 ..gatal2 pd kulitnya beransur hilang...  kulit kaki yg kering..merekah..dan berair....beransur2 reda. Kulit Kaki yg kehitaman perlahan2 bertukar warna ...kembali kpd warna asal. Muka yg dulunya kerap ditumbuhi jerawat....kudis2...beransur2 pulih. Kulit muka yg kusam ..penuh kesan parut2 luka...beransur2 cerah. Ramai pulak yg menegur dia...muka dah makin putih.... Kalau dulu memang stereng kereta ..saya yg pegang...krn dia tak larat dan tak boleh fokus nak memandu. Saya yg takut nak pandu kereta besarnya tu...sampai cekap lah bawak kereta dia ....sbb terpaksa pandu dek keuzurannya. Alhamdulillah asbab shiruto...suami saya memperoleh kembali... kesihatannya.... Walaupun tidak 100% seperti sebelum kena sakit ginjal sudah cukup membuatkan kami sangat bersyukur. Selain dr Shiruto... asbab Pemakaian setokin dan seluar AULORA telah mempertingkatkan lagi tahap kesihatannya. Kalau dulu...en suami kerap mengadu sakit2 sendi...pd seluruh badan. 2 minggu sekali mesti nak kena panggil tukang urut.....dan sakit2 sendi tersebut menyebabkan tidur mlmnya sering terganggu. Dulu... tekanan darahnya jugak tidak menentu..kdg terlalu rendah..kdg terlalu tinggi...mencanak hingga ke bacaan 190... Asbab pemakaian setokin , pants dan basic top AULORA (dgn teknologi unik Far Infra Red).... pengaliran darah en suami saya bertambah lancar. Alhamdulillah ya Rabb.... sakit2 sendi...pd badan en suami...beransur lenyap... Tidur mlmnya lena....tekanan darahnya beransur stabil. Syukur alhamdulillah..en suami saya beransur sihat dan cergas. Kalau dulu..mmg dia uzur sangat nak solat jumaat di masjid... Tapi skrg... dia kerap tanya AJK masjid...boleh x nak join solat Jumaat?

Maaf lah kerana perkongsian saya ni agak panjang lebar. Mulanya saya teragak nak bila di fikir2kan...waktu en suami saya sakit dulu...terlalu ramai yg mendoakan kesembuhan dan kesejahteraannya. Alhamdulillah doa kalian jugak asbab en suami saya beransur sihat. Saya rasa sangat berterima kasih kpd rakan2 semua... Maka saya kongsi lah dgn anda semua manfaat shiruto, setokin, pants dan basic top aulora series ini. Moga kesihatan en suami, saya serta keluarga kekal sihat utk masa2 akan datang. Kepada kawan2 semua yg saya kasihi...Saya doakan Allah Taala mengurniakan kalian....kesihatan yang baik, dijauhkan dari musibah COVID dan dibukakan pintu rezeki seluas2 olehNya.

Kepada yg nak tahu lebih lanjut ttg Shiruto Immunity Vitamin dan AULORA pants + socks... Inshaa Allah kami berbesar hati sudi terangkan kpd kawan2 semua. Hubungi saya  Saya dah sediakan link dibawah utk mudahkan kawan2 semua contact saya  👇:
For more information.
Please contact Bobo at

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


从来没有想过 我会把我亲身经历的见证分享出来 ... (文章有点长 但是我也希望因为我的分享,可以帮到和我一样拥有这样问题的你)
蒙上帝的怜悯透过 #SHIRUTO医治了我😊
一年多了,整整一年多,我很不幸地患上一种 #皮肤怪病。
而且这个怪病日复一日逐渐的严重,痒得我完全沒有办法睡觉😭 想回头这一年多的恶梦,带着无时无刻瘙痒的皮肤还要照顾年幼的孩子,夜半起来边抓痒边喂奶,更担心害怕自己的皮肤病会传染给孩子,那种生不如死的日子我是怎樣熬过来的呀?😭
在得了怪病的这段日子里,我都遇到过很多的好心人推荐产品给我尝试,甚至什么方式都试过了,中药,西药等 可是都只能夠暂时性的解缓并非得到真正的痊癒。(但是我也很感谢曾经帮助我的好心人)
直到2020年5月,透过二姐的介绍这个来自日本的Shiruto,说帮助了很多人,不妨试一下。其实那時候的我,真的完全没兴趣,也不想尝试了,还打算放弃治疗☹️ 可是因为二姐不断的鼓励我,不放弃,所以为了敷衍她,我就试下吧。
当我服用第一天是沒什么特別,可是我继续坚持服用,终于看到了自己的皮肤好转起来,让我找到重生的欲望!那种感觉无比形容啊!就这样的不放弃的服用,结果困扰我这么长一段时间的问题終於改善和逐渐好转起来,#伤口开始修復和复原,是我未曾见过的“好起来”!!而且还额外的 #解决了我长期的便秘问题,也发现 #自己的脸部皮肤被提亮起来了!
当初姐姐告诉我的時候 说真的我曾经有一丝的想法是不可能可以帮助我的问题。
我很谢谢自己当初愿意尝试😁 也很谢谢姐姐的坚持才让我好起来,也真的真心的感谢BE公司带来那么好的产品,才让我这些已经绝望的人看到了一丝的希望。Thank you BE founder
Thanks for sharing by partners 🙏🏻🙏🙏
Never thought I would share the testimony of my personal experience... (The article is a bit long, but I also hope that because of my sharing, I can help you who have this problem like me)
God's mercy healed me through #SHIRUTO😊
For more than a year, for more than a whole year, I am unfortunately suffering from a #dermatosis.
And this strange disease is getting worse day by day, itching makes me unable to sleep at all 😭 I want to go back to the nightmare of more than a year, with the itchy skin all the time, but also to take care of the young children, getting up in the middle of the night while scratching it  Breastfeeding, I am even more worried that my skin disease will be transmitted to the child. How did I survive the days when life is worse than death?  😭
In the days when I was suffering from a strange disease, I have encountered many kind people recommending products for me to try, and even tried any method. Chinese medicine, western medicine, etc. can only provide temporary relief and not get real  get well.  (But I am also grateful to the kind people who helped me)
Until May 2020, Shiruto from Japan was introduced by my second sister and said that he helped many people, so you might as well try it.  In fact, I was really not interested at that time, and I didn't want to try it anymore. I planned to give up treatment ☹️ But because my second sister kept encouraging me and didn't give up, so in order to perfuse her, I will try it.
When I took the first day, it was nothing special, but I continued to take it, and finally saw my skin improve, which made me find the desire to be reborn!  That feeling is beyond description!  In this way, I did not give up, and the problem that had plagued me for so long was finally improved and gradually improved. #The wound started to heal and healed, which is "getting better" that I have never seen before!  !  And an extra # solves my long-term constipation problem, and also found that # my facial skin is brightened!
When my elder sister told me to tell me, I had a little thought that it was impossible to help me.
Later, the second sister gave me a very careful explanation and let me know what Shiruto is and why Shiruto can help repair, because it has the IPPA-1 component, which activates my macrophages and allows me to metabolize and repair the already disordered problem in my body.  Only then can we completely prescribe the right medicine.  (Although this process is a bit uncomfortable, I believe that after a stormy baptism, a rainbow can appear in the sky. If you have the same problem as me, you might as well give it a try)
I am very grateful to myself for being willing to try it at the beginning 😁 and also very thankful to my sister for her persistence to make me feel better, and also really sincerely grateful to BE company for bringing such a good product, so that people who have been desperate like me can see a glimmer of hope.  Thank you BE founder
Welcome to inquire📲

For more information.
Please contact Bobo at

Monday, August 2, 2021

zencoso ball

Feeling guilty after feasting on the "King of Fruits"? 😅

Smoothen your stomach discomforts with the natural fermented plant essence that fused with 98 types of specially selected plants from Brazil and Japan. It helps create a highly nutritional active enzyme catalyst to care and love your stomach. 🥗💞


天然植物发酵精华拥有98种来自巴西和日本的精选植物,可缓解胃部不适。 它有助于产生有益的活性酵素催化剂,以呵护和爱护您的胃。🥗💞

Look up for more information at 😜

#BEInternational #BELIXZ #ZENCOSOChewableBall #ZEN #Indigestion #BetterHealth #Enzyme #Durian
WhatsApp Bobo at +65-94574732

zencoso ball

Feeling guilty after feasting on the "King of Fruits"? 😅

Smoothen your stomach discomforts with the natural fermented plant essence that fused with 98 types of specially selected plants from Brazil and Japan. It helps create a highly nutritional active enzyme catalyst to care and love your stomach. 🥗💞


天然植物发酵精华拥有98种来自巴西和日本的精选植物,可缓解胃部不适。 它有助于产生有益的活性酵素催化剂,以呵护和爱护您的胃。🥗💞

Look up for more information at 😜

#BEInternational #BELIXZ #ZENCOSOChewableBall #ZEN #Indigestion #BetterHealth #Enzyme #Durian
WhatsApp Bobo at +65-94574732

Monday, July 26, 2021

Aulora Socks

#AuloraSocks 😍
这价格应该很多人都负担得起 😊
穿着上班,穿着睡觉,健康永远跟随你 😘
最重要是穿几天都不会臭 🤭🤭

脚底有 60 多个穴位,被称为人体"第二心脏"。在冬天,通络袜脚可以快速地让腿脚暖起来,促进血液循环、延缓衰老。

#通络又养生还保暖的 #AuloraSocksWithKodenshi 是你最佳选择...





Aulora Socks with Kodenshi:
Suitable for people with #FlatFeet

Aulora Socks 🧦 🧦 🧦
🧦光电子纤维Kodenshi Fibre
🧦释放远红外线Far Infrared Absorption
🧦促进足部血液循环Increase Blood Circulation
🧦减轻足部疲劳Reduce foot tiredness
🧦舒适高效透气Comfortable & Airy
🧦对脚弓部分支撑设计Support Foot Arch
🧦消除水肿问题Reduce Water Retention
🧦独特施压点编制Unique Stretching & tightening effect

    还是没有你要的效果,你会选择继续吃一辈子的药?.... 还是选择我们家aulora socks?


#AuloraSocks 😍
This price should be affordable by many people 😊
Dress to work, dress to sleep, health will always follow you 😘
The most important thing is to wear it for a few days without smelling 🤭🤭

There are more than 60 acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, which are called the "second heart" of the human body.  In winter, Tongluo socks can quickly warm up the legs and feet, promote blood circulation and delay aging.
Put on socks before going to bed at night to help sleep.

#通络又养生还保暖的#AuloraSocksWithKodenshi is your best choice...

🙋Don’t know...,
#Other benefits of wearing socks to sleep:

💁#Prevent menopausal hot flashes:
Many menopausal women will experience hot flushes. Symptoms include: sudden body heat, night sweats, heart palpitations, and blushing.  The medical profession believes that the hot flashes are caused by hormonal imbalance during menopause, which affects the body's temperature control.

Putting on socks to sleep can lower the core body temperature at night and improve the symptoms of hot flashes.

💃Suitable for foot surgery
  👉Icy feet
  👉 Edema
  👉 Easy to cramp
  👉 Poor blood circulation
  👉foot pain

Aulora Socks with Kodenshi:
#Flat-footed people wear it well
Suitable for people with #FlatFeet

Aulora Socks 🧦 🧦 🧦
🧦Kodenshi Fibre
🧦Release Far Infrared Absorption
🧦Increase Blood Circulation
🧦Reduce foot tiredness
🧦Comfortable & Airy
🧦Support Foot Arch
🧦Reduce Water Retention
🧦Unique Stretching & tightening effect

🌸If you see many doctors and take countless medicines
     Still do not have the effect you want, would you choose to continue taking the medicine for a lifetime?  .... Or choose our aulora socks?

#The decision is yours
#Health is going backwards every day
#Love yourself love parents
#Welcome to PM me

For more information.
Please contact Bobo at

Saturday, July 17, 2021


Thank you Karen Tan  sharing about her sister Xiang

2019年12月15日, 在没有 太多的征兆 的情况下,  香香 深夜时分  在家中突然 感到很 异常的昏晕, 和 很快的麻痹,   她立刻 感知 她有要中风的 疑向;  当时 就被家人 紧急送往  医院。

专科医生先生为她诊断 :急突发 脑溢血,并立即进行了机密紧急 开头颅手术,试图 急救她的 突发急现 中风诊伤  以免于 她可以会立即死亡.

6-7 小时 手术后 香香 处在昏迷状况。  在重症监护室 ICU 接受观察治疗。
咱们也立即开始启用 SHIRUTO , 我们将 SHIRUTO 与 50 毫克DISTILLED WATER净水混合,每1 次 与她 的 营养素 一起 管饲 TUBE-FEEDING, 每1天 4次。  
在那时,香香 还是 处在“沉睡” 昏迷状况中   COMA 。
可喜   那个结果  RESULT  还好  也令人可以说 : 非常满意:患者她  在第3天  服食后 从  昏迷中醒过来了。

第7天,奇迹出现了, 香香 微弱地 摸了摸 我的手,睁开她那 微弱的双眼,深情看着我在 表示: “姐姐,我回来了,我会没事的”。    我即时欣喜若狂,感触 泪流……医疗队也为她的回醒感到惊讶……    

香香 一天一天的 拥抱着  康复的道路,很快就在第11天下午,专家顾问医生 医疗队  为她撤开了  完整的 生命支持系统  LIFE  SUPPORT  SYSTEM,让她自己能够自行呼吸。 
我当时  是有  察觉到  她并没有太多Yii余痰 的   1个  非常好的现象,  可以 顺畅的  自行呼吸 , 那就是说,SHIRUTO  也修护了  她的肺器官功能

Without much signs, Xiang2 had a deadly cerebral haemorrhage stroke late night at home, rushed to KPJ hospital,  Specialist Surgeon Mr.Sofan diagnosed her and conducted a classified emergency open skull operation to try to save her hairline scratch from instant death.  
Xiang2 was treated at intensive ICU and had been in coma for few days.
There was much an exciting and challenging experience to hv daringly induce SHIRUTO @8 sachets commenced the 4th day evening.    We mixed the SHIRUTO with 50mg water and fed into Xiang2 tube feeding 4X daily along with her Ensure nutrition.    At that time, Xiang2 was still kept in her "deep sleep".    
Darryl & Sharon grab another set 16+3 SHIRUTO , and ZENCOSO  couriered down to KK for Xiang2’s continuous intake needs.
After the decision to feed Xiang2 with Shiruto,  it has given excellent satisfactory results :  she waken from coma the 3rd day later.   

Xiang2 has drastic reaction upon her 1st induce of SHIRUTO.    The Reaction of this deep-asleep patient was vast :  BP shot up 235/165, temp was up 39+C – 40.6C... She practically was having body heaty and sweaty.
Having this situation,  again  I fell into hesitant on the effectiveness of Shiruto  + Zencoso  has activated appropriately her self-immune-system,  the macrophage,  and it was conducting the required repair & revive and the cause to save my sister......
On the 7th day, Xiang2 weakly touched my hand, opened her eyes, weakly she gave me the sight of : “Jie-jie, I am back & I am ok…” …..I was flush with joy and tears….. and the medical team were amaze for her returns too…     The life record :-  day-by-day Xiang2 went on the path to her recovery, and soon on the 11th day afternoon she was fit enough to be off from her full life-support system, and good sign of her able to breathe herself  and was without much phlegm .
My thoughts & aim :-   no body would want to entrust n gamble on 1's beloved life with an unknown products....   especially when in my Xiang2 case,  the Surgeon n Drs.  had told me to be prepared and to expect possibily less than 35% on her ever wakeup n possibly a full vegetable....    I  research indepth on products contains & make...@conciously taken decision n steps to save my girl....  the product SHIRUTO & ZENCOSO had proved its ability to gear up the Immune system in its very much technical manner, it repairs and replenish.


For more information.
Please contact Bobo at

beyang Caffe

🎉🎉Great news! BE International proudly presents the brand new 𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑬𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐄 (𝐍𝐨 𝐒...